All tracks words and music by Josh Marihugh
© 2002, 2006 Pink Elephant Music
"Under Your Wings"
Chorus words and music by Jeff Stahl
© 1993 That's Beautiful Music
Verses words and music by Josh Marihugh
© 2002 Pink Elephant Music
"New Song"
Music by Larry Smith
Words by Josh Marihugh
© 2002 Pink Elephant Music
Hymn Medley: (All selections are believed to be in the public
domain. If you are the copyright holder of any of these songs, please
inform me so I can correct my information.)
Victory in Jesus
My Jesus I Love Thee
Power in the Blood
The Lily of the Valley
Are You Washed in the Blood
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Victory in Jesus (Reprise)
Arranged by Josh Marihugh
Josh Marihugh - All vocals, keyboards, and programming.
On this album, Josh plays Yamaha and Korg keyboards.
All tracks originally recorded and mixed at Pryor Christian Center, Sept. 2002.
"Let Your Fire Fall" and
"Only You (Elephant Stomp Freestyle Mix)
Recorded late one night at Pink Elephant Studios, Pryor, OK
and mixed at Pryor Christian Center, Sept 2002
All tracks were re-recorded and remixed 2006 at The Office, Pryor Christian Center, Pryor OK and Pink Elephant Studio II, Pryor, OK.
The "sermon" was sampled from the original version of this album.
Recorded and mixed by Josh Marihugh, with some assistance from Melanie Marihugh.
Thanks and shout-outs:
JESUS! The one, the only, the original...often imitated, never
duplicated. May I be as faithful to You, as You have been to me.
Always by my side, and in my heart; Your love is eternal, mighty and
shining forever and ever.
The 'rents, Lloyd and Debby Marihugh. Awesome people of God.
My lovely wife, Melanie...thanks for being there.
My bro Matt and family: Matt, Jess, Sierra, Hailey, and Cienthia, I love you guys!
Pastors John and Brenda Alley, for the chance to minister in music,
and for not caring when i invade the church on a given afternoon.
All the members of Pryor Christian Center, for love and support.
Brenda Cox...a growing example of God's love. Thanks for being there.
(Brenda was praying at the church while I was mixing portions of the
original version of this album, and I believe that it was a highly
important, key element in what this album is to do.)
Much props to the Zpoc gang...i love you all!
Love to my peeps...kammy, christine, emma, melissa, and the whole crew...gimme some bazooka-zooka bubble gum!
Visit us online at http://www.pinkelephantmusic.com.
And for those afraid to be hardcore: Jesus Christ was pierced, bled,
and died, all for YOU! How much more hardcore could you get??!!