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Keep the Faith Alive Ministris team in your prayers as we minister in the following services:
The Faith Alive teams get together as often as we can; it's been awhile since our Oklahoma team had the opportunity to take a trip to the desert, but we're looking forward to doing it again soon; as we have more information, I'll share it here.
Sundays, 10 AM -- Faith Alive Church of Sells, AZ.
On most Sunday evenings, Pastor Lloyd ministers at the Santa Rosa Chapel
Tuesday, 6 PM -- Bible study
Want to join us and need a ride? Contact Pastor Lloyd at one of the numbers on our contact page. In addition, you can join us for our Sunday morning service live on Facebook, usually starting just after 10 AM Arizona time. Our Facebook page is .
Various jail and nursing home ministry, as well as home Bible studies and prayer meetings.
First Saturday of each month -- Davis Correctional Facility, Holdenville, OK
Third Sunday of each moth -- Eddie Warrior Correctional Center, Taft, OK
With the current health crisis in the US, the Oklahoma prison ministry team is not currently ministering in our facilities; however, Josh has begun to share some messages on YouTube. You can visit our YouTube channel for sermons as well as some of our past conferences.
Josh's Messages
Faith Alive Ministries on YouTube
Watch this space for upcoming events and news.
News and Itinerary
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