Lord You know my heart, You know my soul
You see through me
And I will wait for You, bring my offering
Bring You all of me
As I kneel in the darkness I can hear Your still small voice
And I could stay with You forever here, Lord You are my choice
Lord I am Your voice
Lord Jesus, how could You do this all for me
Lord Jesus, Your grace has set me free
By the sacrifice that paid the price, the cross of Calvary
Lord Jesus, how could You do this all for me
Lord Jesus, Your blood has washed me clean
Lord Jesus, how could You do this all for me
I wonder as I see the works that Your hands have done
That You would give Your life for me, this undeserving one
As I kneel here in solitude, I will listen for Your call
Your Word means more than life to me, I give You my all
For You are my all in all