All songs words and music by Josh Marihugh
© 2000 - 2006 Pink Elephant Music
except where noted.
"Prepare My Heart" contains the chorus of "I Belong to You" (written by Lenny Kravitz)...I didn't realize until after I'd recorded it where I'd gotten that lyric from.
"Oh God" Music by Josh Marihugh
Lyrics by Josh Marihugh and Angele Smith
© 2001 Pink Elephant Music
"Perfect Love" Music by Josh Marihugh
Lyrics by David Motter, Jason Burke, Vestal Smith, and Josh Marihugh
© 2001 Pink Elephant Music
All songs produced by Josh Marihugh for Pink Elephant Music
Except "Oh God" and "Perfect Love" produced by Tony Smith for HiPraise Productions, Lapwai, ID, and Josh Marihugh for PEM
All parts and tracks re-recorded January and February 2006 at The Office at Pryor Christian Center, Pryor, OK except backing vocals, guitar, and keyboards on "Oh God" and "Perfect Love" recorded at NAME Outreach, Lapwai, ID.
Digitally remixed and remastered January and February 2006, at "The Office" at
Pryor Christian Center, Pryor, OK.
Josh Marihugh - Keyboards, organs, programming (drums, strings, guitar), lead vocals. backing vocals
Lloyd Marihugh - Bass on "Faithful to the End"
Angele Smith - Duet vocals on "Oh God"
Vestal Smith - Duet vocals on "Perfect Love"
Tony Smith - Guitar on "Oh God"
God! for making all this possible. This record is for You, my one and only.
Melissa, Emma, Kammy, Christine, Paul, Joseph and all of your crew for your love and support.
The above mentioned suspects, plus Candice, Bekah, and Chad, for making Cornerstone 2002 a great one.
My wife, Melanie, for the love, encouragement, and inspiration.
My parents for encouraging me in my dreams.
Pastors John and Brenda Alley at Pryor Christian Center, Pryor, OK
Additional thanks for use of the building as a GREAT recording space!
Pastors Derek and Stacey Melton and all the staff at Pryor on Fire Teen Church/Pryor Creek Community Church, Pryor, OK
Bobby, Joel, and ALL of the ZPOC techs, ops, and users. Blessings!
Tony Smith, at HiPraise Productions, Lapwai, ID, for your wonderful production and guitar (and for lending me your wife and sister for an afternoon)
Pastors Hilliard and Elaina Smith at NAME Outreach, Lapwai, ID, for letting us invade the church for an afternoon.
Shari, Linda, and all the Phantom Tollbooth staff.
Ramona Anne Dube, Chris Parks, and the rest of the Press Tent staff at C-stone for not getting exasperated when i got lost on my way to the tent. (And for the Moxie!)
To the boys and girls in Spoken, Enlow, Ester Drang, Philmore, God's Bus, Somebody's Brother (RIP), Supersneeze (RIP), A Walk in the Park (RIP) and any and all local bands just playing for the sheer joy of it.
"Prepare My Heart" is for Dad.
Lloyd: "Can we play 'Prepare My Heart' again?"
Josh: "Awww, Dad...."
"Faithful to the End" is dedicated to Paul Bergner and Brenda Cox...two people who KNOW the faithfulness of God.
"Surrender" is for Melissa Barrett and the crew. I LOVE you guys...